The Effects of Special Education Training on Educator Efficacy in Classroom Management and Inclusive Strategy Use for Students with Autism in Inclusion Classes
The Effectiveness of Using a Social Story Intervention to Improve Social Interaction Skills of Students with Autism
Preventing and Responding to Student Escalation: Combining De-Escalation Strategies and Function-Based Support
Teaching Sam to Read: An Integrated Team Approach with One Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
High Stakes Testing in the 21st Century: Implications for Students in Special Education
Identifying and Correcting Barriers to Successful Inclusive Practices: A Literature Review
Cameras in Self-Contained Classrooms: Legal, Professional and Student Implications
Effects of an Intervention on Math Achievement for Students with Learning Disabilities
Crossing Borders and Building Bridges: A Video Ethnography of Special Education in Nuevo Progresso, Mexico
Evaluating and Using Literature Including People with Disabilities in All Classrooms
A Pilot Examination of the Adapted Protocol for Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching
Principals and Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Inclusion in Israel