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Table of Contents: Learning Disabilities Today: An Examination of Effective and Not-So-Effective Interventions Teaching Algebraic Equations to Middle School Students with Intellectual Disabilities Students with Disabilities in the Polish Educational System After the Political Changes (2007 - 2012) FAPE and LRE in Online Learning: Special Education Directors’ Perspectives A Preliminary Investigation of the Benefits of Computer-Aided Instruction in Reading Decoding for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Other Developmental Disabilities Perspective Taking Through Film: Educating Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers About Autism Comparing Student and Teacher Perceptions of the Importance of Social Skills in a Self-Contained Setting Inclusive Education Practice in Southwestern Nigeria: A Situational Analysis Parent Perspectives on Home-Based Intervention for Young Children with Developmental Disabilities: The Parent-Implemented Communication Strategies (PiCS) Project in Illinois, USA The Digital Divide and Inequities for Students with Disabilities:Needed….A Bridge Over Troubled Waters!

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